OFW - Catwalk, from Göteborg to Malmö.

Walked down the catwalk today with one thing on my mind. I am gorgeus, I am handsome, I am sexy...
eehm not really tho, haha. Im not yet used to the walking down the catwalk. But its really fun in a way. I was wearing the same outfit for nilhan as the last time (military) :) but i got a new backpack! :) really nice! and then i got 2 other outfits from another designer. damn, those designers are really tallented! some creative shit they make! love the clothes! :) and Nilhans collection!! Just awsome!

The thing ive had on my mind is the trip from göteborg to malmö by bike. :) me and some friends gonna ride our bikes all the way and make some stops in various towns and train parkour! :) hope its gonna be an awsome trip! lots of training, havin fun and just living life! As it should be! spendin the nights in a tent.. the only thin missing now is my bike. haha. like no bigg deal. its not like a really need that part to make the trip.. :S.. hehe no but tomorrow im buyin a bike! :) ..
AWSOME! ^^(falsetto voice)
AWSOME! ^^(falsetto voice)
so no updates on the blogg for 10 days or so. hehe. check my youtubechannel. mabey ill post something here on the way. ;)
Copenhagen, & Oslo Fashion Week! got in ;)

Yesterday I was visiting my friend Tony Tran in Copenhagen. His gonna be an exchange student there this semester. So we took a look at the town and he showed me his school. Fun day, rained alot tho, not as fun.
We also found the original "subjazz sofa" :P haha XD made in concreet. did some subjazz moves to it ;).. haha. mabey its time to start stretchin again:P trainin alot lately and not that much stretchin... :S XD
On my way to Oslo right now, gonna be fun there! :) trying out some clothes tomorrow! and then on thursday its Oslo Fashion Week! wohoo! awsome. think im gonna be model for 2 deisgners. sumtin like that. :) Should I do the "tilt" on the catwalk? what do u think ;) :P..

Ante chillin
Oslo Fashion Week!
Today was the casting to Oslo Fashion Week! Was kindof fun:P hehe. will see in a couple of days how it went. the oslo fashion week is next week 10-11 aug.. Hope they pick me! :D :P
heres a pic in OFW mag, from nihans previous show. me in the military clothes. :D love the jacket!