Being Creative!

(Photo taken by: Niclas Andersson Edited by: Me, Antero Hein)
Now I suddenly got an urge to edit some film in the middle of the night. So why not, im on vacation and have nothing to do tomorrow anyway. So I can sleep away the day! Editing is really creative and gives me inspiration! Getting kicks out of it. When you manage to cut something in such a cool way you really feel proud. :) It's fun! This thing that im gonna start on now won't be finished until late this summer ;) so you have to wait for it! But it's gonna be really cool! Gonna work on it with my friends all summer! Be patient, hehe.
But just to "calm" you nerves, hehe, I'll post a short vid that I edited some weeks ago. Check it out and comment and subscribe if you like! :) It's me Jumping around in the vid!
Postat av: L.I.N.N.E.A ♥ Photography
SV: Tack!:D
Allt bra??
Postat av: Alexander Hosby - TOPBLOGGARE på scenbloggen!
Haha tack! :D Kul att se att även du bloggar! :D