So today I jumped up on my board and went to visit my friend markus and his family in Ystad. Ofc I didn't ride my board all the way from Lund to Ystad, that would have taken years! For real! I skated to the trainstation and took the train, it took a little bit more than an hour. Markus and Jessica have the cutiest little dauhgter named Alicia. :) 5 months old. Thought I'd try to teach her the High five. But she didnt really get it tho. hehe. she almost got it, she raised her hand.. so halfway there. more training next time! :) Me and Markus did some filming too. Cool stuff. Gonna edit it and then post it here in a couple of days. :) So stay tuned and you'll get to see 2 of the coolest vids. ;) hehe. you're gonna laugh your ass of! :P mabey.