Mindwalking through life

People usually walk in the right direction. But they walk backwards.
The only thing you see is your past.
You can't see your future. You can't see what's coming.
The only thing you see, is passing you by. And usually it's to late to grabb it.
You will reach your goal, you will get there, but you will have to struggle more than you should.
Cause face it,
walking backwards isn't that easy, specially if you try to run.
You can't run backwards, at least not that fast.
And you can't see where you're going,
so you will hit something,
and you will fall.
You'll get up and keep on walking and after a while you'll see why you felt.
So why not just turn around and see where you're going?
You'll see whats coming against you and you can decide what you'll take with you.
You'll have time to adjust where you whanna go and what you want, cause you can see so far ahead.
And the best thing is that you can run now!
You'll get there so much faster!
You see your goal and you never whanna stop running.
But you can't run forever, can you?
At some point you will have to slow down .
You will have to look back, and see your past again.
Cause you should never forget what you've been through. It's a part of you.
Sometimes you have to go back and pick something up.
Remeber, life is not a onewaystreet.
You have to see what and who you are passing.
Life is a city, full of life, with tons of things to explore.
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