Painfull first step into the last year.
Been a while since I posted something here. So about time... what im doing right now in life, hmm. the last year of school. feels good. alot of hard work. alot of pleasure, alot of pain. last year is gonna be filled with alot of shit! good shit and bad shit. mostly good i hope :). had a good start tho, but now i need to chill down a bit, got a foot injury. so lets work in another way for a while. see how that works. if it works.. were havin a show coming up at school to, 10-17 noveber. ull better see it! its gonna be awsome! but training for the show with an injury is kindof hard. have to work in a completly different way. with weight and balance and shit, sucks a bit, but just a part of life. feel it, accept it. go on. life has alot to offer. take part of all of it. be sad when youre sad, be glad when youre glad. live life...
Takes alot of energy tho, have to adapt every step so it works wiht my foot.

Im really exited for the show and to see all the other pieces from the others! :) gonna be awsome! (pic from last show)
But as soon as my foot is good im gonna blast again:P XD... hehe. have alot of searching to do, about where im heading after the school and all the auditions im gonna attend. gonna be fun! interesting! :) getting out in the "real world", cant wait! :D